The first Bristol car, the 400, was heavily based on the BMW plans.
2.新加坡有近 400 万人口,其中77%是华人,14%是马来人,8%是印度人,1%是欧亚混血人和其他民族。
Singapore has nearly 400 million people, of whom 77 percent are Chinese, 14 percent are Malays, 8% Indians and 1% Eurasians and other ethnic groups.
3.使用一套 400 种不同的七巧板风格形状。
It uses a set of 400 different Tangram style shapes.
Also to provide you with slices of wood, RU-wood mill, three-phase, 320, 360 Gear Grinder, 360, 400, 420 three-phase steel mill.
The grid basket-type (type 2) and bending plate (400-1 type) glaze line compensation, structural simplicity, yet nice;