- 1.In kinship, that which has to do with the father's side (the patrilineage). (See kinship.
- 男方亲属关系的。在亲属关系中属于和父系有关的(父系)(参考:亲属关系)
- 2.Kinship terminology is one of the important research subjects in anthropological linguistics. Every people's kinship terminology has its own characteristics and also mirrors its culture.
- 亲属称谓语是人类语言学研究的一个重要课题,各民族的亲属称谓语有自身的特点,而且能反映本族文化。
- 3.The analysis revealed that consanguineous and marital form can not explain all of the kinship terminology, and some of the kinship terminology have to be explained in other ways.
- 分析发现,婚姻关系和血缘关系对汉族和藏族亲属称谓有明显而深刻的影响,但婚姻关系和血缘关系并不能解释全部的亲属称谓,有些亲属称谓必须从其他角度加以解释。
- 4.Kinship terminology is one of the important research subjects in anthropological linguistics. Every people's kinship terminology has its own characteristics and also mirrors its culture.
- 亲属称谓语是人类语言学研究的一个重要课题,各民族的亲属称谓语有自身的特点,而且能反映本族文化。
- 5.Therefore we must hold it to be beyond dispute that among exogamous races the first system of kinship was that which recognised blood-ties through mothers only.
- 因此我们必须坚持这是不容争议的,在异族通婚的民族中间最初的血族关系制度是那种只通过母亲辨别血统连接的。
- blood flour blood meal blood powder dried blood
- 血粉;
- blood flour blood meal blood powder dried blood
- 血粉;
- blood flour blood meal blood powder dried blood
- 血粉;
- blood flour blood meal blood powder dried blood
- 血粉;
- canon law counting method of blood kinship
- 寺院法计算法;