- 1.People in the West talk of designer labels, designer violence, designer condoms and designer stubble.
- 西方人们谈论名牌商标、名牌狂、名牌避孕套和名牌胡茬子。
- 2.Suggestion: Keep the clothes in a dry place, put mothproof agents to keep the clothes from eating by moth. But do not touch the clothes with the agents directly.
- 建议顾客:衣物存放时,请存放在干燥处,还需放防虫剂避免被虫蛀,但不可与衣物直接接触;
- 3.After his graduation, Zhang worked as a designer for quite a long period. It is praisable that he finds a balance between his "designer's life" and his "ink painter's life".
- 毕业后从事了相当长一段时间的设计,但难能可贵地与他的“设计生活”平行的是他的“水墨生活”。
- 4.The man was the most famous Soviet rocket designer and pioneer of cosmonautics, for years he was known only by his code name "Chief Designer".
- 该名男子是前苏联最著名的火箭设计和先驱航天,多年来,他只知道他的代号为“首席设计师” 。
- 5.What's your persona about this Americana? Brama, am I shallow 'cause all my clothes designer?
- 你对这个美国文化的看法是什么?男扮女装的戏剧,我是否因为我所有的服装设计师而浅薄?
- baby clothes baby wear swaddling clothes
- 婴儿服;
- ready-made clothes ready-to-wear clothes
- 成衣 中国电动车信息网;
- ready-made clothes ready-to-wear clothes
- 成衣 中国电动车信息网;
- baby clothes baby wear swaddling clothes
- 婴儿服;
- casual clothes casual suit casual wear civilian clothes dress down easy casual everyday dress
- 便服;