- autarky
- ['ɔ:tɑ:ki]
- n. 自给自足
- n. autarchy
- 1.Suppose the economy moves from autarky to trade, and the firm's demand curve shifts to.
- 假设经济从自给自足变成可进行贸易,公司的需求曲线移至。
- 2.Autarky has never been voluntary Chinese policy under socialism but rather an externally imposed sanction of the Cold War.
- 自给自足从来没有自愿中国社会主义条件下的政策,而是外部强加的制裁是冷战。
- 3.There have been many examples of closed economies throughout history, but very few closed economies exist today. also called autarky.
- 这种经济也可称为“自给自足的经济”,在历史上有很多例子,但是在现代经济中很少见。
- n.
- 1.economic independence as a national policy
- Autarky
- 自给自足; 自给自足 封闭化 经济上的闭关自守 经济上的闭关自守; 经济独立; 封闭化;