- 1.Soil survey was conducted on six samples in mid-montane moist evergreen broad-leaved forest and semi-moist evergreen broad-leaved forest at north part (Nanjian part) of Wuliangshan Nature Reserve.
- 对设于无量山自然保护区北段(南涧段)中山湿性常绿阔叶林和半湿润常绿阔叶林的6块样地的土壤进行了调查研究。
- 2.In the greenhouse, 38 species of all 67 species may germinate, including 10 evergreen arbors, 9 deciduous arbors, 12 evergreen shrubs and 7 deciduous shrubs.
- 种子萌发实验。在实验室控制条件下,67个物种中可以萌发的有38种,其中常绿乔木树种为10种,落叶乔木9种,常绿灌木12种,落叶灌木7种。
- 3.Chimonanthus, which includes 5 vegetation form, mainly grows in the evergreen defoliate broad-leaved mixed forest and evergreen broad-leaved forest.
- 蜡梅属植物跨有5个植被类型,主要生长在常绿落叶阔叶混交林和常绿阔叶林地带。
- 4.The State statistical standards shall be formulated by the State Statistics Bureau or by the State Statistics Bureau jointly with the State Bureau of Standards.
- 国家统计标准由国家统计局制定,或者由国家统计局和国务院标准化管理部门共同制定。
- 5.Basic contents: equilibrium state, state properties diagram, state postulate, equation of state, quasi-static process and reversible process, etc.
- 基本内容:平衡状态,状态公理与状态方程式,准静态过程和可逆过程,热力过程、热量和功量,热力循环等。
- prisoner of state state criminal state prisoner
- 政治犯;
- prisoner of state state criminal state prisoner
- 政治犯;
- prisoner of state state criminal state prisoner
- 政治犯;
- prisoner of state state criminal state prisoner
- 政治犯;
- evergreen bough
- 常青树枝;