- 1.Partial payment, late payment or unidentifiable payment will not be regarded as a valid payment.
- 局部缴款、逾期缴款或不能予以识辨的缴款将不会视为有效的缴款。
- 2.or by payment period. So if you're trying to track down a specific order's payment data you can zero in by date or by payment period. It couldn't be any easier.
- 年年)或者根据支付周期查看数据。所以,如果您尝试追踪特定订单的支付数据,您可以调整日期或支付期限。这是最简便的方法。
- 3.When the bank makes a payment for a confirmed deferred payment, it shall write-off the said deferred payment in the system.
- 银行为经确认的延期付款对外支付时,须在系统中对该笔延期付款办理相应的注销手续。
- 4.Payment method any change, the examinee still has not been possible carries on the payment through on-line payment or the bank cable transfer.
- 付款方式没有任何变化,考生依然可以通过网上付款或银行电汇进行付款。
- 5.We ask for a ten percent payment when you order /a twenty percent down payment/ an installment plan.
- 我们要求订货时先交百分之十的货款/百分之二十的头期款/以分期付欲的方式来结算货款。
- to order fromto give an order forto place an order withto put in an orderto pass an order
- 向。。寄出订单:;
- deferred payment payment by instalments
- 延期付款;
- Mode of Payment and Terms of Payment
- 付款方式和付款条件;
- Mode of Payment and Terms of Payment
- 付款方式和付款条件;
- payment order
- 付款单; 付款通知; 支付通知书; 被保险人授权经纪人代为索赔;