- projection screen
- 投影屏幕
- 1.The movie is projected with a movie projector onto a large projection screen at the front of the auditorium.
- 影像是由电影放映机投射在观众席前的萤幕上。
- 2.What's your impression on language training classroom? One room? One Projection Screen? One teacher facing a group of students?
- 你印象中的语言培训课堂是什么样子的?一个教室、一块投影屏、一个教师对着一群学员一字一句的授课?
- 3.Scenes from the simultaneous celebrations citywide and in the Olympic co-host cities were broadcast on a large projection screen.
- 现场大屏幕播放着北京和奥运会各协办城市群众的欢庆场景,整个天安门广场成了欢腾的海洋。
- n.
- 1.a white or silvered surface where pictures can be projected for viewing
- projection screen
- 银幕; 放映银幕; 投影屏幕; 投影幕;
- solar projection screen
- 太阳投射屏幕;
- rear projection screen
- 背投屏幕; 背投式萤幕; 后投影屏幕; 背投萤幕;
- front projection screen
- 前投式屏幕;
- translucent projection screen
- 半透明镶嵌屏幕; 半透明投影屏幕;