- 1.Two important sets of roles must be performed: task specialist and team maintenance specialist.
- 两个重要的角色必须执行:任务专家角色和维持专家角色。
- 2.I exscind my skin , in order to canvass my heart, a vivid heart, a bloody heart, an entire heart.
- 我割开肌肤,为了细察我的心,一颗鲜活的心,一颗血淋淋的心,一颗完整的心。
- 3.By comparing the nuclear heart scan of your heart at rest to your heart at "stress, " your doctor can determine if your heart is functioning normally or not.
- 通过对平静状态和负荷状态心脏扫描的结果,医生就能够判定被测者心脏工作是否正常。
- 4.By comparing the nuclear heart scan of your heart at rest to your heart at "stress, " your doctor can determine if your heart is functioning normally or not.
- 通过比对平静状态和负荷状态心脏扫描的结果,医生就能够判定被测者心脏的机能是否正常。
- 5.I am also the director of Yuen Long Specialist Centre and the director of Hong Kong Heart Rescue.
- 我亦是元朗专科中心及香港心脏拯救中心的总监。
- heart pacemaker cardiac pacemaker heart pulsator heart starter
- 心脏起博器;
- heart pacemaker cardiac pacemaker heart pulsator heart starter
- 心脏起博器;
- heart pacemaker cardiac pacemaker heart pulsator heart starter
- 心脏起博器;
- heart specialist
- 心脏病专家;
- heart specialist
- 心脏病专家;