- 1.HB: You seem to imply that your work success is because of luck. Are success and luck the same thing? Is luck how you got to be so successful?
- 你的言下之意似乎是你的成功源自于你的幸运?你认为成功意味着幸运吗?是运气让你如此成功的吗?(就你聪明,我怎么没听出有言下之意)
- 2.HB: You seem to imply that your work success is because of luck. Are success and luck the same thing? Is luck how you got to be so successful?
- 你的言下之意似乎是你的成功源自于你的幸运?你认为成功意味着幸运吗?是运气让你如此成功的吗?(就你聪明,我怎么没听出有言下之意)
- 3.So good luck to Dario Simic, and good luck to Rodrigo Digao, who will play next season with Standard Luik and who will always be followed by the Milan observers.
- 同时,也祝福迪甘的下赛季在标准列日好远,他将在米兰的观察下继续进步!
- 4.Many women in the color of the modern age still bleak charm exudes charm, this is the result of their good practice.
- 很多现代女性在颜色暗淡的年岁中依然散发着迷人的魅力,这是她们苦心修炼的结果。
- 5.Before he knows it, Charlie's reputation as a "good luck charm" has women - from sexy strangers to his overweight receptionist - lining up for a quickie.
- 在他查觉这件事之前,「幸运查理」的名声早已让性感的陌生女子、甚至是诊所内肥嘟嘟的接待员都争相与他共度一宿。
- charm away charm off cure heal physic
- 治愈;
- charm away charm off cure heal physic
- 治愈;
- Good bye Good Luck
- 南拳妈妈;
- Good-bye and good luck
- 再见 祝你好运;
- luck up make a scoop be in the ascendant get one's innings have one's day play big luck strike it rich
- 走运;