- 1.A farmer because this pair of extreme of every towel gourd in grow a string of 1 head of a gravelstone, make towel gourd grow so that grow again continuously again, sell a good price.
- 消费者买丝瓜,挑挑拣拣,要直的、要长的。一位农民因此对在生长中的每根丝瓜的末端吊一块小石头,促使丝瓜长得又直又长,卖得个好价钱。
- 2.Indeterminate varieties need lots of elbow room so they can grow…and grow…and grow.
- 无限生长的番茄品种要求大量的生长空间,好让它们不停地长、长、长。
- 3.Now, I try to grow, want to grow up quickly, flying in my own sky, breathe cleaner air, contented to enjoy this magical world.
- 现在,我努力成长,希望快点长大,飞翔在我自己的天空,呼吸更清新的空气,自得地欣赏这神奇的世界。
- 4.Edelweiss, edelweiss , every morning you greet me . small and white clean and bright . you look happy to meet me . Blossom of snow may you bloom and grow. bloom and grow.
- 雪绒花,雪绒花,清晨迎着我开放。小而白洁而亮,向我快乐地摇摆。白雪般的花儿愿你芬芳。永远开花生长。雪绒花,雪绒花,永远祝福我家乡。
- 5.New cells grow more slowly. Nonessentials—fingernails, toenails, hair—hardly grow at all.
- 新的细胞分裂速度减缓,那些不必要的——比如手指甲,脚趾甲,毛发几乎停止生长。
- grow beards and wear the all-over burka
- 留须蒙面;
- devolve on hand over handover make over remove set over
- 移交;
- overflow extravasation flood overbrim run over slop over spill over spillage
- 溢出;
- devolve on hand over handover make over remove set over
- 移交;
- devolve on hand over handover make over remove set over
- 移交;