1.If you want to order the entire dash interior, AND include the fiberglass consoles that make up the dash assembly, you can order the whole dash interior as one whole package.
2.Hold down one of the Alt keys and type on the numeric keypad: 0150 for an en dash or 0151 for an em dash.
按住其中一个 ALT键,用数字键盘输入:0150得到一个短破折号或0151得到长破折号。破折号出现在 ALT 释放之后。
3.Hold down the Compose key and type two hyphens and a period for an en dash, or three hyphens for an em dash.
按住 Compose并输入两个连字符和一个句点得到一个短划线,或三连字符得到一个长划线。释放 Compose键之后破折号出现。
4.Hold down one of the Alt keys and type on the numeric keypad: 0150 for an en dash or 0151 for an em dash.
按住其中一个 ALT键,用数字键盘输入:0150得到一个短破折号或0151得到长破折号。破折号出现在 ALT 释放之后。
5.Hold down the Compose key and type two hyphens and a period for an en dash, or three hyphens for an em dash.
按住 Compose并输入两个连字符和一个句点得到一个短划线,或三连字符得到一个长划线。释放 Compose键之后破折号出现。
drop dropt lay down let down plop put down set down stick down vail
drop dropt lay down let down plop put down set down stick down vail
dash dash with stodge
dash dash off
dash dash with