- 1.From blackish green, grind arenaceous green, halcyon green, mint is green, surfy green to transparent green, move green nature into Wei Yu at long last.
- 从墨绿、磨砂绿、翡翠绿、薄荷绿、浪花绿到透明绿,总算把绿色大自然搬进了卫浴间。
- 2.Green food has embodied the idea of green marketing, green food is the carrier of green marketing, green marketing is the power of developing green food.
- 绿色食品体现了绿色营销的理念,绿色食品是绿色营销的载体,绿色营销是发展绿色食品的动力。
- 3.Aphrodite was originally an old-Asian goddess, similar to the Mesopotamian Ishtar and the Syro-Palestinian goddess Ashtart.
- 阿芙罗狄蒂最初为老亚洲女神,类似于美索不达米亚的伊师塔以及巴勒斯坦女神阿斯塔特。
- 4.The goddess Ishtar, goddess of love and war, was portrayed as the lover of the shepherd Dumuzi.
- 女神伊师塔,爱和战争的女神,被描绘成是牧羊人杜穆兹的爱人。
- 5.Some traditions worship the Goddess alone while others see Divinity as essentially beyond human understanding, with "Goddess" and "God" simply a convenient shorthand.
- 某些传统只崇拜女神,而其它的传统把上帝视为超过人类理解的本质,为方便记忆就用“女神”和“上帝”来表达。
- sap green dark green deep green
- 暗绿;
- grey green sage green hedge green
- 灰绿;
- grass green meadow green oliver green olive drab
- 草地绿,草绿; 草地绿, 草绿;
- Goddess of the Crossways
- 抉择女神;
- Degenerated Goddess
- 堕落女神;