- 1.As a mechanism before the sentencing, personality investigation provides referenced material for accurately sentencing and convicting.
- 作为判刑前的机制,人格调查为司法机关准确定罪量刑提供了参考性的材料。
- 2.I think that we shall restrict the discretion through the elaborateness to reason of sentencing, the establishment to keynote of sentencing and legal case.
- 可以考虑从量刑理由的阐述、量刑基准点的确立和量刑刑事判例的角度对法官量刑自由裁量权的行使进行制约。
- 3.We think the imprisonment trial and sentencing of Laura and Euna should be viewed as a humanitarian matter.
- 我们认为,罗拉和云娜被监禁审讯和判决,应被看作是一个人道主义问题。
- 4.Sentencing Liu Xiaobo for a crime is the true incitement to subvert state authority, and flies in the face of social conscience and humanity.
- 判刘晓波有罪才是真正的颠覆国家政权(合法性)之罪,而且是对社会良知和人类文明的挑战。
- 5.Voters pass, for example, "tough on crime" sentencing laws with nary a thought about paying for more prisons.
- 比如,选民们通过一项旨在“严厉打击犯罪”的刑法,却根本没想过投钱去建更多的监狱。
- adjourned sentencing
- 延迟判刑;
- Statement Condemning Sentencing of Political Prisoners in Syria and Vietnam
- 白宫新闻处声明谴责叙利亚、越南关押政治犯;
- Sentencing Guidelines
- 量刑指南;
- inappropriate sentencing
- 量刑不当;
- sentencing
- 量刑; 判刑; 判刑准则; 科刑;