- 1.Other than action thinking remains its old term, to be exact, image thinking is to replace visual thinking while concept thinking is to replace abstract thinking.
- 其中除动作思维仍沿用惯称外,以“意象思维”取代习用的“形象思维”,以“概念思维”取代习用的“抽象思维”,更为确切。
- 2.This paper shows the characteristic of creative thinking in mathematics: creativeness of thinking, deepness of thinking, wideness of thinking and cleverness of thinking.
- 数学创造性思维应具有思维的独创性、维的深刻性、维的广阔性以及思维的灵活性。
- 3.I was thinking of Mekka, thinking of Sitsang, thinking of the people who was clumping the WuTai mountain, which one of them was the real Christians then?
- 想起麦加,想起西藏,想起攀爬在五台山路上的芸芸众生,又有几人是感怀着虔诚与敬畏去朝拜他们的圣灵呢?
- 4.I was thinking of Mekka, thinking of Sitsang, thinking of the people who was clumping the WuTai mountain, which one of them was the real Christians then?
- 想起麦加,想起西藏,想起攀爬在五台山路上的芸芸众生,又有几人是感怀着虔诚与敬畏去朝拜他们的圣灵呢?
- 5.Moreover, some teachers regard the thinking of mathematic as formal logic thinking. So ignore dialectic and developmental thinking from holistic understanding to problem.
- 有的教师把数学思维活动仅仅看作形式逻辑思维,而忽视了从整体看问题的辩证的、发展的思维活动。
- mode of thinking way of thinking
- 思想方法;
- clear -eyed clear-headed clearheaded
- 头脑清楚的;
- CLEAR no dandruff CLEAR
- (品牌)没有头屑;
- clear clear-cut legible plain trenchant vivid
- 清晰的;
- clear clear-cut legible plain trenchant vivid
- 清晰的;