- heterodox
- ['hetərəudɔks]
- adj. 异端的;非正统的
- 1.Xunzi held that human nature is evil, thus being often considered to be heterodox in the history of Confucianism.
- 在儒家思想史上,荀子主张性恶,常被视为儒家异端。
- 2.Its early rulers were heterodox, and Asoka (reigned c. 265-238 BC), the third and most famous of the Mauryan rulers, was a professed Buddhist.
- 它的早期统治者是非正统的,阿育王(公元前265—238年在位),是第三位,也是最著名的孔雀王朝统治者,是一位公开声称的佛教徒。
- 3.The strong field of Orthodox School and Heterodox Schools and Heretical Sects can be simply compared to the relationship between big magnets and small magnets.
- 这种正道与非正道的强场,可以用大小磁石之间的关系作简单的比喻。
- adj.
- 1.characterized by departure from accepted beliefs or standards
- heterodox
- 非正统的; 不合乎公认的标准的,异端的,异教的; 非正统; 异端的,非正统的;
- Heterodox economics
- 异端经济学;
- Heterodox God
- 非正统的上帝;
- Heterodox stabilization program
- 非正统的稳定计画;
- heretical heterodox infidel miscreant unorthodox
- 异端的;