- 1.the limits were not applicable if the federal government could show that the discharge was due to "willful negligence or willful misconduct within the privity and knowledge of the owner".
- 但是如果联邦政府能够证明该泄漏事故是“在所有者参与或知晓的情况下,由故意的疏忽或故意的错误行为”造成的,上述限额则不再适用。
- 2.Someone, somewhere, made the willful act of affixing the PRC flag on the calendars and added Chinese holidays.
- 某个单位的某个人刻意在年历换上了中国国旗,加上了中国的节日。
- 3.Indeed he poured scorn on their faithlessness, what he called "willful ignorance" -- people believing what they wanted to believe, regardless of the evidence.
- 他确实轻蔑他们背信弃义,称之为“有意忽视”—这些人爱怎么信就怎么信,全然不顾事实。
- 4.Cats arc willful, independent familiars, and their willingness to act alone makes them excellent spies.
- 猫是任性且独立的魔宠,它们会自发成为优秀的密探。
- 5.The unpardonable sin is a deliberate, willful act of unbelief, where one maliciously impugns the work of the Spirit of God.
- 那罪不可赦的情况是一种故意、执意不信的行为,恶意攻击上帝圣灵的工作。
- willful neglect
- 有意的玩忽职守;
- willful brutality
- 有意做粗野动作:; 蓄志做蛮横手脚:;
- willful misconduct
- 渎职; 故意违犯; 故意的
- willful
- 任性的; 情□的; 任性的, 故意的; 故意;
- willful intercept
- 有意截取; 故意截取;