- 1.Our results clearly showed an increased uptake of HRP present in denervated muscle, tenotomized muscle and tenotomized muscle of synergistic muscle as compared with respective control muscle.
- 结果表明,在切断神经或切健后引起萎缩的肌肉侧或在协同肌切腿后引起代偿性肥大的肌肉侧,与它们各自对照的正常肌肉侧相比,都可发生对HRP胞纳的明显增加。
- 2.And didst then the Builder breathe upon the smith, that he lay down his hammer and his body, and didst come to stand by the right hand of the Builder for all time.
- 然后建造者毁灭了铁匠,他放下了自己的锤子和自己的肉体,他将永远等待建造者的宽容。
- 3.A wise home builder recognizes God as the architect and builder of marriages.
- 一个理智的人会知道上帝是家的建筑师和婚姻的建设人。
- 4.Methods According to flap design, modified frontal muscle with orbicular muscle flap was sutured to the tendon of levator muscle of upper lid.
- 方法针对其操作较复杂损伤额肌瓣生理功能而影响手术效果的特点,改良形成了额肌眼轮匝肌瓣直接缝合于睑板上缘的提上睑肌腱上联合手术。
- 5.Release gluteus medius muscle?gluteus minimus muscle?piriformis muscle in serious 6 cases (3 patients).
- 对严重的3例6臀,同时行臀中肌、臀小肌、梨状肌松解。
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