- 1.Libya is located on the west of Egypt. As a neighbor of Egypt, Libya had maintained a certain relationship with Egypt since the predynastic period.
- 利比亚位于埃及的西部,作为埃及的近邻,自埃及文明开启以来就与埃及有着密切的联系。
- 2.If JAMA is not careful how it implements its new policy, that may yet work against the first two goals.
- 如果JAMA不小心实行新政,将很可能与前两个目标相违背。
- 3.They claim JAMA threatened to cut off access to its prestigious pages as punishment, but she denies that charge.
- 他们声称JAMA威胁取消他们在JAMA上刊登文章的资格作为惩罚,但是她不承认有这样的威胁。
- 4.The JAMA report suggests that patients and employers alike would benefit from strategies to prevent the human, medical and productivity costs of a second heart attack.
- JAMA的报告建议患者和老板都需要采取一些策略,以避免心脏病复发给人力、医疗以及财力造成的损失。
- 5.According to a study in Journal of the American Medical Association( JAMA), recognizing the less common signs of a heart attack could save your life or that of someone you love.
- 《美国医学协会学报》刊登的一份研究报告指出,了解那些心脏病发作不很常见的征兆,可能会挽救你自己或你所爱的人的生命。
- 美国医学会杂志; 日本汽车制造商协会; Journal of the American Medical Association; 美国医学协会期刊;
- Great Jama
- 巨型清真寺;
- Astictopterus jama
- 腌翅弄蝶;
- Jama Masjidi
- 德里贾玛清真寺;
- Jama Masjid
- 贾玛清真寺; 清真寺; 迦密清真寺; 贾玛寺;