- 1.It is the primary contents for this thesis how to build a system of generating curvilinear font with using advanced curvilinear font outline to take place vector font outline.
- 如何采用先进的曲线字型轮廓替换传统的向量字型轮廓,建立一个曲线字型生成系统是本文的主要研究内容。
- 2.The "%1" font will be installed on your system for use as a screen font, printer font or both.
- 1字体将安装在系统中,作为屏幕字体、打印机字体或二者兼用。
- 3.The "%1" font will be installed on your system for use as a screen font, printer font or both.
- 1字体将安装在系统中,作为屏幕字体、打印机字体或二者兼用。
- 4.Decrease Font Size Button\\015\\015Decreases the font size of the selected text to the next smaller size in the Font Size box.
- 将选定字体缩小到“字号”下拉列表框内下一个较小的尺寸。
- 5.This dialog lets you merge outlines of font symbols in the currently open SWF files before saving the font as a TTF (True Type Font) file.
- 当前打开的SWF文件,在保存字体为TTF(字体)文件之前,允许合并字体的轮廓。
- vector font or outline font
- 矢量点阵字符;
- decrease font size reduce font
- 缩小字体;
- decrease font size reduce font
- 缩小字体;
- decrease font size reduce font
- 缩小字体;
- baptismal font
- 圣洗池:通常位于教堂入口处。; 领洗池;