- 1.Beijing urban civilization to Bangui flight ticket price inquiries- flight time details of specific flights- please telephone specific flight time!
- 都市文明北京到班吉航班机票查询价格飞行时间详细情况请电话咨询具体航班具体飞行时间!
- 2.Beijing urban civilization to the Maseru flight ticket price inquiries- flight time details of specific flights- please telephone specific flight time!
- 都市文明北京到马塞卢航班机票查询价格飞行时间详细情况请电话咨询具体航班具体飞行时间!
- 3.Beijing urban civilization to the Praia flight ticket price inquiries- flight time details of specific flights- please telephone specific flight time!
- 都市文明北京到普腊亚航班机票查询价格飞行时间详细情况请电话咨询具体航班具体飞行时间!
- 4.Flight 2811 was operated on an instrument flight rules flight plan conducted under 14 CFR Part 121.
- 2811航班动手术一仪器航班规章航班计划在14 CFR 121部分下进行。
- 5.Reliability and maintainability are chiefly problems of the modern flight control system, self-repairing flight control system can solve the problems to improve viability of the flight.
- 可靠性和可维护性是当代飞控系统面临的首要问题,自修复飞控系统在解决这两方面问题的同时,提高了飞机的生存能力。
- flight line flight route
- 飞行路线;
- flight line flight route
- 飞行路线;
- Flight Plan for Chart Flight
- 包机飞行的飞行计划;
- run away escape flee desert take flight turn tail
- 逃跑;
- backward flight with single foot take-off
- 单脚背飞;