- distention
- [dis'tenʃən]
- n. 膨胀,扩张
- 1.During the phase patients are often severely ill with marked weakness, abdominal discomfort, and distention.
- 值此时期,患者的病势常严重:显著衰弱,腹部不适并臌胀。
- 2.During the third week of treatment, he developed status epilepticus and progressive abdominal distention simultaneously.
- 在治疗的第二个星期,他出现癫癎持续状态同时有腹部进行性膨胀。
- 3.Here, we present two cases of fluid overload with acute pulmonary edema and electrolyte imbalance from hysteroscopy with different distention media.
- 此文主要报告二例接受子宫镜手术的病人,虽以不同的子宫冲洗液仍造成急性肺水肿及电解质不平衡。
- n.
- 1.the state of being stretched beyond normal dimensions
- 2.the act of expanding by pressure from within
- distention
- 膨胀; 扩张; 胀润; 膨胀(作用);
- gaseous distention
- 胃胀气;
- abdominal distention
- 腹胀; 腹泻 腹胀; 腹膨胀,腹部膨隆; 腹水;
- Acute distention
- 释义:急性膨胀;
- Bladder distention
- 释义:膀胱膨胀;