- 1.The detachments made use of diversionary tactics to stand the enemy off.
- 分遣队使用牵制战术,阻止敌军前进。
- 2.I painted my wife's portrait and I gave her the paint as a diversionary tactic.
- 我为妻子画肖像画,然后把画送给玛勒,来转移她的注意力。
- 3.In all the operations brought under study in Korea, there is not one example of an American company attempting to use diversionary fire.
- 在我们研究的所有在朝鲜的军事行动中,竟没有一个美国连队使用牵制火力的战例。
- 4.The characteristic of this kind of floor is width of cloth big, bian Xincai mixes, mutual and diversionary, function is out of shape steadily, not easily.
- 这种地板的特点是幅面大,边芯材混合,互相牵制、性能稳定、不易变形。
- 5.Double Attack – quick two-shot attack doing a total of 10% heavy. This attack will happen every 10 seconds.
- 双连击—快速的双射攻击,造成10%的重型伤害。每10秒使用一次。
- diversionary attack
- 牵制性进攻; 牵制性攻击, 佯攻; 牵制攻击;
- diversionary attack
- 牵制性进攻; 牵制性攻击, 佯攻; 牵制攻击;
- diversionary
- 转换注意力的; 牵制的; 使转换注意; 转移注意力的;
- diversionary missile
- 诱敌飞弹;
- diversionary landing
- 牵制登陆;