1.In Schelling's philosophical conception, art is set in an alternative: either as the ultimate moment of philosophical consciousness or as a phase in the identity system.
2.In Schelling's philosophical conception, art is set in an alternative: either as the ultimate moment of philosophical consciousness or as a phase in the identity system.
3.Contemporary French philosophers Deleuze and psychoanalyst Felix Guattari co-wrote a philosophical book Mule Plateaux which is not related to the philosophical history.
4.The study of metaphor is a very important philosophical theme in the linguistic, interpretive and rhetorical turn of contemporary philosophical movement.
5.Including: Locomotor system, alimentary system, respiratory system, urinary system, reproductive system, circulatory system, sense organs, nervous system and endocrine system.
Philosophical Disputes
Philosophical Anthropology
哲学人类学; 哲学的人学; 哲学人学; 哲学人本学;
philosophical belief
Philosophical Fragments
哲学片断; 哲学论文片断;
philosophical hermeneutics
哲学释义学 哲学诠释学; 哲学诠释学; 哲学解释学; 哲学阐释学;