- 1.In 1809, Sir Benjamin Bathurst, Britain's envoy to the court of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in Vienna, helped rebuild the alliance between Britain and Austria against Napoleon.
- 一八○九年,本杰明.巴瑟斯特爵士代表英国出使,到维也纳奥匈帝国朝廷,协助重建英国奥地利联盟,对抗拿破仑。
- 2.The top envoy heads a 60-strong delegation to Taiwan from Nov 3 to 7 for talks with his counterpart Chiang Pin-kung, chairman of the Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF).
- 最高特使将率领60人的代表团与十一月3日到7日与“财团法人海峡交流基金会”(简称海基会)主席江丙坤进行会谈。
- 3.BEING a Middle East peace envoy is a thankless task.
- 做一个中东和平使者是一项不讨好的任务。
- 4.Their envoy showed no sign of responding to our proposals.
- 他们的代表对我方的提议毫无回应的迹象。
- 5.He will be the first ARATS chief and highest-level mainland envoy to visit Taiwan since 1949.
- 他将成为自1949年以来首位海协主席以及大陆最高级别的特使访问台湾。
- envoy extraordinary
- 特派公使;
- envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary
- 特命全权公使;
- Ex-Iran envoy avoids extradition
- 阿根廷要求引渡在英国留学的伊朗外交官;
- envoy
- 使者; 使节; 特使; 外交使节,特使;
- imperial envoy
- 钦差大臣;