- 1."Nighty-night, knight, " said one knight to the other knight the other nights.
- “晚安,骑士,”一个夜晚,一骑士对另一个骑士说。
- 2."Nighty-night, knight, " said one knight to the other knight the other night.
- “晚安,骑士,”那个晚上一个骑士对另一个骑士说。“晚安,骑士,”那个晚上另一个骑士回答说。
- 3."Nighty-night, knight, " said one knight to the other knight the other nights.
- “晚安,骑士,”一个夜晚,一骑士对另一个骑士说。
- 4.Brief Introduction to Thaumaturgy Little Knight-errant Mu Tong, the dramatis personae of the thaumaturgy little knight-errant, always making waves, is a badness student in his teachers mind.
- 《奇幻小侠》主人公穆童是一个在老师眼中调皮捣蛋的“不良”学生,但他独有的冒险精神、善良品质和豪爽个性,却受到了同学们的拥护。
- 5.AMADIS is a knight in sixteenth century in European Knight novels, the symbol of hero.
- 阿玛迪斯)是十六世纪欧洲骑士小说中的游侠,英雄之象征。
- Anthony Browne
- 安东尼布朗; 布朗; 安东尼 布朗;
- Browne
- 布朗; 布朗恩; 鲍理贤法官;
- Jackson Browne
- 杰克逊·布朗; 杰克森布朗; 杰克逊 布朗; 杰克逊-布朗;
- Olin Browne
- 布朗; 欧灵-布朗;
- Thom Browne
- 汤姆·布朗; 布朗; 桑姆·布郎尼;