- 1.With some live aquarium java moss on top of the peat. Den sprinkle gloxinia seeds on the java moss and seal the transparent container after that.
- 我的做法是在一个透明密封的容器里,底层放水藓泥炭,上面放爪畦苔藓,再播种。
- 2.Approved packing material may consist of sterile peat moss, sphagnum moss, perlite, vermiculite, sawdust, shredded paper or other inert materials.
- 认可的包装素材应由泥炭苔、水藓苔、珍珠岩、蛭石、锯木屑、碎纸及其他填充物。
- 3.Water bears are sometimes also referred to informally as "moss piglets", because of their common inhabitance of moss, but does that have anything to do with water bear anatomy?
- 有的时候,由于生长在苔藓里,水熊也被叫做“苔藓猪”,但这跟水熊的骨骸有什么关系呢?
- 4.Approved packing material may consist of sterile peat moss, sphagnum moss, perlite, vermiculite, sawdust, shredded paper or other inert materials.
- 认可的包装素材应由泥炭苔、水藓苔、珍珠岩、蛭石、锯木屑、碎纸及其他填充物。
- 5.type and sole genus of the Selaginellaceae; evergreen mosslike plants: spike moss and little club moss.
- 卷柏科的单一模式属;常绿的类似藓类的植物;小石松。
- black moss long thread moss star jelly
- 发菜;
- black moss long thread moss star jelly
- 发菜;
- black moss long thread moss star jelly
- 发菜;
- black moss long thread moss star jelly
- 发菜;
- black moss long thread moss star jelly
- 发菜;