- 1.reform should not be designed to be a type of misconstructions and instant collapse, concrete reform must be harmonized with the whole judicial reform.
- 改革不应被设计成破坏性、瞬间崩塌型的;具体改革措施须与司法改革的全局协调一致。
- 2.Any reform should start with the concept of education reform, optimizing the classroom teaching of the curriculum reform to a breakthrough.
- 任何的教育改革都应当首先是教育理念的变革,优化课堂教学是课程改革的突破口。
- 3.I ain't weak-minded, only simple-minded.
- 我不是弱智,只不过头脑简单。
- 4.For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
- 体贴肉体的,就是死,体贴圣灵的,乃是生命,平安。
- 5.The low-minded and evil-minded are included because they are those who are most in need of love.
- 接纳心低下与邪恶的众生,是因为他们最需要慈爱。
- land reform agrarian reform
- 土地改革;
- land reform agrarian reform
- 土地改革;
- The reform of The reform of composition teaching on conditions
- 研究性学习”观照下的作文教学改革;
- The reform of The reform of composition teaching on conditions
- 研究性学习”观照下的作文教学改革;
- strong-minded strong-willed tough-minded
- 意志坚强的;