- 1.Contradicting popular belief that the IT and BPO sector during the same period had seen retrenchment the sector had in fact increased its employment marginally by 0. 33 per cent.
- 矛盾的公众认为信息和业务外包行业同时期也有裁减员工,事实上这一行业就业略有增加,增加了0。33%。
- 2.Not surprisingly, the number of players in the wind power equipment sector has mushroomed, drawn to the sector by talk of greater reliance on renewables.
- 毫不意外的是,受更多依赖可再生能源的言论吸引,风电设备厂商的数量大幅增加。
- 3.Mount think a lot of illegal construction is in the primary sector, particularly the power sector behind lawbreaking.
- 马麟认为大量违法建筑基本上是基层部门特别是权力部门在背后搞违法项目。
- 4.Any change in the S&P 500 Index Divisor also affects the corresponding Standard &Poor's major industry sector, economic sector, and individual industry group divisors.
- 标准普尔500的指数除数的任何变化都会相应影响到标准普尔的工业部门、金融部门和各附属行业的指数除数。
- 5.Mercury is adding negotiation skills to your profit sharing sector and Pluto is adding hidden resources and passion to your daily work sector.
- 汞是增加谈判技巧到您的利益共享的部门和冥王星是增加隐藏的资源和热情到您的日常工作部门。
- gear quadrant gear sector quadrant gear sector gear segment gear
- 扇形齿轮;
- gear quadrant gear sector quadrant gear sector gear segment gear
- 扇形齿轮;
- gear quadrant gear sector quadrant gear sector gear segment gear
- 扇形齿轮;
- gear quadrant gear sector quadrant gear sector gear segment gear
- 扇形齿轮;
- gear quadrant gear sector quadrant gear sector gear segment gear
- 扇形齿轮;