- 1.If you want to order the entire dash interior, AND include the fiberglass consoles that make up the dash assembly, you can order the whole dash interior as one whole package.
- 如果你想为了整个破折号内部,其中包括游戏机,使玻璃纤维的破折号大会,您可以为了整个破折号内部作为一个整体方案。
- 2.Hold down one of the Alt keys and type on the numeric keypad: 0150 for an en dash or 0151 for an em dash.
- 按住其中一个 ALT键,用数字键盘输入:0150得到一个短破折号或0151得到长破折号。破折号出现在 ALT 释放之后。
- 3.Hold down the Compose key and type two hyphens and a period for an en dash, or three hyphens for an em dash.
- 按住 Compose并输入两个连字符和一个句点得到一个短划线,或三连字符得到一个长划线。释放 Compose键之后破折号出现。
- 4.Hold down one of the Alt keys and type on the numeric keypad: 0150 for an en dash or 0151 for an em dash.
- 按住其中一个 ALT键,用数字键盘输入:0150得到一个短破折号或0151得到长破折号。破折号出现在 ALT 释放之后。
- 5.Hold down the Compose key and type two hyphens and a period for an en dash, or three hyphens for an em dash.
- 按住 Compose并输入两个连字符和一个句点得到一个短划线,或三连字符得到一个长划线。释放 Compose键之后破折号出现。
- drop dropt lay down let down plop put down set down stick down vail
- 放下;
- drop dropt lay down let down plop put down set down stick down vail
- 放下;
- dash dash with stodge
- 搀和;
- dash dash off
- 匆忙完成;
- dash dash with
- 搀加;