- 1.A total of 100 foreign states maintained their official or semi-official presence in Hong Kong, including: 54 consulates general, 40 honorary consuls, and six semi-official (mostly trade) missions.
- 目前共有100个国家在香港设有官方或半官方机构,包括总领事馆54所、名誉领事馆40所和半官方(多为经贸)机构六所。
- 2."Official spirit" the essence should more terrains now the official whether has grasped in the adaption official duty job requirement ability and the level.
- “公务员精神”的实质应该更多地体现在公务员是否掌握了适应本职工作需要的能力和水平上。
- 3.Douglas Melton, co-director of the Harvard Stem Cell Institute, said people receiving funds from federal and non-federal sources would be able to collaborate for the first time.
- 哈佛大学干细胞研究所(HarvardStemCellInstitute)联席主管道格拉斯
- 4.The powers and functions of the federal grand jury differ from those of the federal trial jury, which is called the petit jury.
- 联邦大陪审团的权力和职能与那些被称作小陪审团的联邦初审陪审团是不同的。
- 5.There are 12 Federal Reserve Districts (FRD) in US with one Federal Reserve Bank per district.
- 在美国有12个联邦储备区,每个区都设有一个联邦储备银行。
- an official call to arms an official denunciation of the enemy
- 檄文;
- an official call to arms an official denunciation of the enemy
- 檄文;
- Official Administrator
- 遗产管理官; 遗产管理官 财经; 遗产管理官 社会福利; 遗产管理官 公安;
- disproportionate to official emoluments
- 与公职薪俸不相称;
- official dismissed from office
- 罢吏;