- 1.Carry out first the spacefarer Yang Liwei of spaceflight flight task does not lose national great trust, finish the job with the Chinese's heroic spirit and heroic bearing victory.
- 执行首次航天飞行任务的航天员杨利伟不负国家重托,以中国人的豪气和英姿胜利完成任务。
- 2.Once entering heroic, and every time u get out of combat in heroic, addon will check and equip proper tabard.
- 仅在你进入英雄副本,或进入英雄副本战斗时候检查是否装备对应的公会徽章。
- 3.Each word in the poem like brand Abas left traces in history, his feet firmly set foot on the pace of the rhythm is my definition of a poem.
- 诗里的字字珠玑会像烙印在历史留下痕迹,双脚踏上坚定步伐是我对诗句节奏的定义。
- 4.Here is the English poem named "These Things Shall Never Die" of a Britannic poet, a very beautiful poem.
- 这里是一首名为“这些将永不消逝”的英国诗人写的英文诗。
- 5.Please choose "the most appropriate answer" to complete the poem based on the "structure, context, and rhymes" of each poem.
- 请根据每一首诗的结构、上下文及韵脚,选一个最适当的答案填入诗中空格中。
- acrostic poem
- 离合诗;
- Heroic bloodshed
- 英雄式血洒;
- brave heroic
- 壮烈的;
- bucolic poem
- 田园诗;
- Heroic Champions
- 英雄级;