- thus far
- 迄今;现在为止
- 1.But in each case the president needs to show more determination and leadership than he has thus far.
- 但是在每个实例中,总统都需要显示出比以往更坚定的决心和更有效的领导力。
- 2.Todays V-Spike recovery in equities is thus far outpacing its 1930 counterpart relative to time spent advancing.
- 今天的V型钉在股票恢复因此,远远超过1930年时其对应的相对花费前进。
- 3.It is for us the living rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.
- 毋宁说,倒是我们这些还活着的人,应该在这里把自己奉献于勇士们已经如此崇高地向前推进但尚未完成的事业。
- adv.
- 1.used in negative statement to describe a situation that has existed up to this point or up to the pr
- thus far
- 迄今; 就此范围(程度)来说; 到目前为止; 至此;
- heretofore hereunto hitherto thus far
- 迄今;
- Tis grace has brought me safe thus far
- 上帝保我安全无虞至今;
- Only my plague thus far I count my gain
- 然而我只能将我爱情的悲苦视作一种益处,;
- tis grace has brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me home
- 靠主恩典 安全不怕 更引导我归家;