1.Land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth, fighting for, worth dying for.
2.In popular music, French chanteurs and chanteuses such as Charles Trenet, Charles Aznavour and Edith Piaf were once heard the world over.
3.Alternatives for the New Charles River Dam: The Department of the Army New England Division Corps of Engineers, "Charles River Dam, Design Memorandum No. 2, " 1972.
4.Queen of France as the wife of Henry II and regent during the minority (1560-1563) of her son Charles IX. She continued to wield power until the end of Charles's reign (1574).
5.King Charles came up to him like a common man, and said off-hand, "Man in the smock-frock, my name is Charles the Second, and that's the truth on't."
What's worth the prize is always worth the fight
有价值的东西才值得我们去奋斗; 有价值就值得争取;
How many money still has present worth of Guang Xuyuan treasure the picture that how many money of present worth of silver dollar of Yuan Shikai macrocephalic sees me please
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush --- something is worth more than a risk which might be profitable
双鸟在林不如 一鸟在手;
How many money still has present worth of Guang Xuyuan treasure the picture that how many money of present worth of silver dollar of Yuan Shikai macrocephalic sees me please
Frederick Douglass
道格拉斯; 弗里德里克道格拉斯; 特.杜博斯; 弗里德里克