- penniless
- ['penilis]
- adj. 身无分文的;贫穷的
- 1.The penniless man had to bum a ride home.
- 那个身无分文的人只好乞求搭车回家。
- 2.Turn down a billionaire, but would still be with you even if you're penniless.
- 拒绝过亿万富翁的求婚,但即使你一无所有还是会陪在你身边。
- 3.Children with his wife left him, he became penniless, helpless, and he once again for advice to the elderly.
- 妻子带着孩子离他而去,他变得一贫如洗,孤立无援,于是他再一次向这位老人讨教。
- adj.
- 1.not having enough money to pay for necessities
- penniless
- 赤贫的; 身无分文的; 身无分文; 不名一文;
- penniless worthiless
- 不名一文;
- Walter the Penniless
- 瓦尔特;
- a penniless young man
- 身无分文的年轻人;
- impecunious impoverished needy penniless poor starveling
- 贫穷的;