- beyond doubt
- 无容置疑,确实地
- a. indubitable
- 1.Beyond doubt, he is a successful salesman.
- 他无疑是一个成功的推销员。
- 2.I believe beyond doubt that he is honest and diligent.
- 我毫不怀疑地认为他是诚实和勤勉的。
- 3.Not all brothers and can live in harmony, but the feelings between the brothers is beyond doubt.
- 不是所有的兄弟都可以和睦相处,但兄弟之间的感情是毋庸置疑的。
- adj.
- 1.too obvious to be doubted
- beyond doubt
- 无疑地; 无疑地,准确地; 毫无疑问; 超越怀疑;
- beyond all doubt
- 毫无疑问地; 毋庸置疑; 毫无疑问; 不容置疑;
- proof beyond reasonable doubt
- 罪证确凿;
- beyond reasonable doubt
- 排除合理怀疑; 理无置疑,无合理怀疑; 理无置疑,无合理怀疑 理无置疑,无合理怀疑; 超越合理怀疑;
- beyond a doubt
- 毫不怀疑;