- infamous
- ['infəməs]
- adj. 声名狼藉的;无耻的;邪恶的;不名誉的
- 1.California's infamous Proposition 13 of 1978 cut property taxes, the main source of revenue for municipalities and school districts.
- 加州1978年的13号提案缩减了市政和学区最主要的收入来源,财产税,而备受指责。
- 2.The tree story surfaced again when a state policeman who was supporting Joe Woodward swore he had taken me out of that infamous tree back in 1969.
- “树的故事”再次浮现:州里一位支持乔。伍德沃德的警察发誓,1969年是他把我从那棵声名狼藉的树上弄下来的。
- 3.This Flaw could derive from his infamous family or from his association with a scandalous organization such as the Mob or a company known for environmental infractions.
- 这个缺陷可由不名誉的家族取得,或是经由某些夥伴关系、可耻的组织,例如流氓或是因违反环境保护法而闻名的公司。
- adj.
- 1.having an exceedingly bad reputation
- Infamous
- 声名狼藉; 恶名昭彰; 无名英雄; 身败名裂;
- infamous separatist
- 臭名昭著的分裂主义者;
- infamous conduct
- 行为不正; 行为不端;
- Infamous Post
- 企业耻辱柱;
- Infamous OST
- 盛名之下;