- 1.Because to do so may color RGB, pure black color patterns, there are no black color pictures color does not exist, we often say color pattern consists of four colors, also known as true color.
- 因为不一原色可组成不黑白,清不黑白图案不带白色,操纵白色不黑白图片颜色不颓丧,我们常说的不黑白图案由四栽颜色组成,也称假不黑白。
- 2.New 730E frother was used in the flotation tests of common oxidized copper ore, oxidized copper ore with high combination rate and carbonaceous slabby rock copper ore of Tangdan Copper Mine.
- 采用730E新起泡剂对汤丹铜矿的一般氧化铜矿、高结合率氧化铜矿和碳质板岩铜矿3种矿样进行了浮选试验。
- 3.After two roasting and two leaching, more than 99% of copper could be recovered, crystal copper sulfate yield > 90%, copper sponge yield>99%, total copper recovery >99 %.
- 本文针对某厂铜阳极泥中铜含量高、难溶的特点,经过二次焙烧二次浸出,铜浸出率达99%以上,硫酸铜结晶率>90%,海绵铜置换率>99%,铜总回收率>99%,该方法具有经济和环境双重效益。
- 4.After two roasting and two leaching, more than 99% of copper could be recovered, crystal copper sulfate yield > 90%, copper sponge yield>99%, total copper recovery >99 %.
- 本文针对某厂铜阳极泥中铜含量高、难溶的特点,经过二次焙烧二次浸出,铜浸出率达99%以上,硫酸铜结晶率>90%,海绵铜置换率>99%,铜总回收率>99%,该方法具有经济和环境双重效益。
- 5.The main products are electrical machinery, equipment Baolv copper, copper Baolv special drawing machine, Copper Clad Aluminum, Copper Clad Steel, and other ancillary support equipment.
- 主要产品有电工机械,铜包铝设备、铜包铝专用拉丝机、铜包铝线,铜包钢线等配套辅助设备。
- copper gauze copper wire gauze copper wire netting
- 紫]铜丝网;
- copper gauze copper wire gauze copper wire netting
- 紫]铜丝网;
- copper gauze copper wire gauze copper wire netting
- 紫]铜丝网;
- copper cathode electrolysis copper electrolytic copper
- 电解铜;
- copper cathode electrolysis copper electrolytic copper
- 电解铜;