1.Relative rates, such as relative consumption rate (RCR), relative growth rate (RGR) and relative metabolic rate (RMR), were higher for young larvae than for old larvae.
2.In modern times the majority is no longer openly religious but majority percentages of the Dutch are adherents of humanism, agnosticism or atheism .
3.The LDP lost its majority for the first time since the 1960s, while the DPJ became the majority party, winning 54 of the assembly's 127 seats.
4.This seems to be linked to Papuans' relative promiscuity: the majority of Papuan men report multiple sexual partners.
5.This seems to be linked to Papuans' relative promiscuity: the majority of Papuan men report multiple sexual partners.
relative majority
相对多数; 相对多数-----;
Determination of relative tinting strength of colored pigments and relative scattering power of white pigments-Photometric methods
着色颜料相对着色力和白色颜料相对散射力的测定 光度计法;
Determination of relative tinting strength of colored pigments and relative scattering power of white pigments-Photometric methods
着色颜料相对着色力和白色颜料相对散射力的测定 光度计法;
absolute majority
绝对多数; 對多
absolute majority
绝对多数; 對多