- 1.In kinship, that which has to do with the father's side (the patrilineage). (See kinship.
- 男方亲属关系的。在亲属关系中属于和父系有关的(父系)(参考:亲属关系)
- 2.Kinship terminology is one of the important research subjects in anthropological linguistics. Every people's kinship terminology has its own characteristics and also mirrors its culture.
- 亲属称谓语是人类语言学研究的一个重要课题,各民族的亲属称谓语有自身的特点,而且能反映本族文化。
- 3.The analysis revealed that consanguineous and marital form can not explain all of the kinship terminology, and some of the kinship terminology have to be explained in other ways.
- 分析发现,婚姻关系和血缘关系对汉族和藏族亲属称谓有明显而深刻的影响,但婚姻关系和血缘关系并不能解释全部的亲属称谓,有些亲属称谓必须从其他角度加以解释。
- 4.Kinship terminology is one of the important research subjects in anthropological linguistics. Every people's kinship terminology has its own characteristics and also mirrors its culture.
- 亲属称谓语是人类语言学研究的一个重要课题,各民族的亲属称谓语有自身的特点,而且能反映本族文化。
- 5.Rock People are naturally grounded due to their kinship with the minerals and also aid the tribe or group in retaining its collective grounding.
- 石头人天然是根植的,由于其与矿石王国的密切关系的缘故,并也能帮助部落或团队保持集体根植。
- system of ascertaining degree of kinship by times of birth
- 代数亲等制;
- Fictive kinship
- 拟亲属; 拟亲属关系;
- kinship
- 亲属关系; 亲族; 同源关系; 血族关系;
- kinship term
- 亲属术语; 亲属名词; 亲属术语[名词;
- Fictive kinship
- 拟亲属; 拟亲属关系;