- 1.After parting when person and person, can be you forgotten so? Certain can the affection that hiding go into hiding with respect to such noise elimination?
- 当人与人分开之后,会不会就这样被人遗忘?某些潜藏着的情感会不会就这样消声匿迹?
- 2.For the data hiding which uses an image as the cover signal, a new spatial domain information hiding method based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is proposed.
- 针对以灰度图像为掩体信号的数据隐藏,提出了一种基于粒子群优化技术的空间域信息隐藏方法。
- 3.Riding also are suffering, some people make riding as anneals, although they don't argue against enjoyment from hiding.
- 如果骑行完全是快乐,如同世上没有了不幸,大家都到了极乐世界。
- 4."I guess they've gone out, " he said apologetically to the individual who was hiding his red face in a loose tarpaulin raincoat.
- 我猜想他们都出门了,“他抱歉地对马车夫说。马车夫正用他宽大的防水雨衣遮着自己的红脸。
- 5.The film star belied her own apothegm by hiding a brilliant, inventive mind beneath her photogenic exterior.
- 这位影星用自己这句格言给世人以假象,把她那聪明又有发明才能的头脑隐藏在十分上镜的容貌之下。
- a stab in the back an arrow shot from hiding
- 暗箭;
- Hiding
- 隐身术; 隐匿; 隐藏; 隐身技能;
- hiding power
- 遮盖力; 覆盖力; 复盖能力; 盖力;
- Hiding wings
- 隐形的翅膀; 隐形购乐学的翅膀;
- Hiding Places
- 躲起来;