- sinewy
- ['sinju:i]
- adj. 有力的;多腱的;肌肉发达的
- 1.He is lean and sinewy with muscular legs.
- 他精干而强壮,有着满是肌肉的大腿。
- 2.Fields, 53, is a sinewy man with a broad smile and a jaunty gait.
- 道格拉斯,今年53岁。他是一个面带微笑、步伐矫健而自信的人。
- 3.The hind legs are less fleshy than the forelegs, are muscular at the thighs, very sinewy and the hocks and stifles are well bent.
- 后腿肌肉比前腿少,大腿肌肉发达,强健有力,飞节和膝盖弯曲良好。
- adj.
- 1.(of meat) full of sinews; especially impossible to chew
- 2.consisting of tendons or resembling a tendon
- 3.(of a person) possessing physical strength and weight; rugged and powerful
- sinewy
- 强壮的; 醒尔含片; 多腱的; 腱(质)的;
- a bony and sinewy style
- 曰多筋骨之文;
- beefy burly massive sinewy solid stark stout substantial well-knit
- 结实的;