- oculist
- ['ɔkjulist]
- n. 眼科医生,眼科医师
- 1.That friend knows elder oculist! My eye iris is phlogistic had a relapse again.
- 那位朋友认识资深的眼科医生啊!我眼睛虹膜炎又复发了。
- 2.Everyone who needs to have his eyes seen to may go to a state-registered oculist and if his sight is weak he can get spectacles from an optician at a much reduced price.
- 每一个需要看眼科的人都可以去国家注册的眼科医生那里就诊。如果他视力衰退,他可以去眼镜师那里配眼镜,价格非常优惠。
- 3.Doctor: No problem , we can invite the oculist to see you and a simple operation ( laser beam or ultrasonic therapy ) will enable you to see light again after the blood glucose is well controlled.
- 医生:可以治好,只要血糖得到控制,我们就可请眼科医师来给你会诊,一般只需做一个简单的手术(激光或超声雾化)就能帮你重见光明。
- n.
- 1.a person skilled in testing for defects of vision in order to prescribe corrective glasses
- 2.a medical doctor specializing in the treatment of diseases of the eye
- oculist
- 眼科医生; 眼科医师; 眼科医生 眼科医生; 眼医;
- With an Oculist
- 看眼科医生;
- Oculist-in-charge
- 眼科主治医师;