- nostrum
- ['nɔstrəm]
- n. 秘方;成药;万能药
- 1.There is no nostrum in the world. To keep fit, just come to this Body-Building centre and have a try.
- 世上本无万能灵药,欲健康,请来本健美中心试一试。
- 2.Use besides the space outside, furniture is had muti_function utility, also be the one big nostrum of economic space.
- 除了空间利用外,家具具有多功能用途,也是节省空间的一大妙方。
- 3.Talk of the Roman Empire, of the Mediterranean as mare nostrum or of Algeria's and Morocco's old status as parts of France and Spain will change few minds.
- 纵使北非各国再三论及罗马帝国,称呼地中海为“诺斯特鲁姆海”[2],扯出阿尔及利亚、摩洛哥曾经分属法国和西班牙的历史,欧盟的立场也不会有一点改变。
- n.
- 1.hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases; once sought by the alchemists
- 2.patent medicine whose efficacy is questionable
- nostrum
- 秘方; 万应灵药,传家宝; 妙方; 万应灵药,传家宝;
- Nostrum account
- 往帐(国际兑汇);
- Mare Nostrum
- 我们的海; 我们的海洋; 地中海文明; 诺斯特鲁姆海;
- Air Nostrum
- 诺斯特姆航空公司; 诺斯特姆航空; 纳斯绰航空公司;
- Mare Nostrum Restaurant
- 橄榄园西班牙餐厅;