- jingoistic
- [,dʒiŋɡəu'istik]
- adj. 侵略分子的,强硬外交政策的
- 1.The new attitude towards America was captured in 2000 by a jingoistic film called "Brother 2".
- 对美国的这种新态度在2000年的一部狭隘国家主义电影《兄弟2》中表现了出来。
- 2.It should also be said that Chinese students abroad are often more jingoistic than the ones in China.
- 或者可以说,中国留学生经常比在国内的学生有更多的极端爱国主义。
- 3.That may explain why the jingoistic volume is now being cranked up, to show that Mr Kim has army support for his plans.
- 这或许可以解释为何咄咄逼人的声浪现在日益高涨,要显示的是金正日有军队支持他的计划。
- adj.
- 1.fanatically patriotic
- jingoistic
- 强硬政策的; 强硬外交政策的; 强硬外交政策;