- 1.Experiences related to art Textile design, book cover design, costume design teaching, costume design text edition, cinematic costume design, etc.
- 从事过花布设计、书籍装帧设计,教授服装设计,主编服装设计教材。
- 2.a loose hooded cloak worn with a half mask as part of a masquerade costume.
- 和作为舞会服装一部分的半截面罩一起穿戴的、有宽松头巾的斗篷。
- 3.a loose hooded cloak worn with a half mask as part of a masquerade costume.
- 和作为舞会服装一部分的半截面罩一起穿戴的、有宽松头巾的[斗篷]。
- 4.COSTUME】The professor was in academic costume when I saw him yesterday.
- 我昨天看到教授时,他正穿着大学服。
- 5.Costume text and game of signifier in costume, relate to discourse's construction of body.
- 服饰的文本化与符码能指的游戏,相关于身体的话语建构。
- swimsuit bathing costume bathing dress bathing suit swimming costume
- 游泳衣;
- swimsuit bathing costume bathing dress bathing suit swimming costume
- 游泳衣;
- swimsuit bathing costume bathing dress bathing suit swimming costume
- 游泳衣;
- folk costume national costume national dress
- 民族服装;
- folk costume national costume national dress
- 民族服装;