- 1.Psychological self, social self, self-criticism, family-self and self-satisfaction can predict mental health problems.
- 心理自我、社会自我、自我批评、家庭自我、自我满意对心理健康问题有显著的预测作用。
- 2.That would deal with the relationship between personality and self, subjective self and objective self, big self and small self.
- 这涉及到人格与自我,主我与客我,大我与小我。
- 3.He laboured under a severe sense of mortification and wrath, which it was no easy task to suppress.
- 他是在一种严重的屈辱与愤怒的感觉下苦斗,要压制下去是不容易的事。
- 4.There lies no curse and sigh in the most awful mortification. Silence is the hugely scornful attitude of the avenger.
- 在最可怕的屈辱中,没有诅咒,没有叹息。沉默是复仇者最高的轻蔑。
- 5.But before he had uttered the words, Prince Andrey, feeling the tears of shame and mortification rising in his throat, was jumping off his horse and running to the flag.
- 可是,当他还没有说完这句话,安德烈公爵就感觉到羞愧和愤怒的眼泪涌进了他的喉头,于是他翻身下马,向军旗面前走去。
- self-sacrifice self-abnegation self-devotion self-immolation self-renunciation
- 自我牺牲;
- self-sacrifice self-abnegation self-devotion self-immolation self-renunciation
- 自我牺牲;
- amour-propre pride self-esteem self-importance self-pride self-respect self-worth
- 自尊;
- self-sacrifice self-abnegation self-devotion self-immolation self-renunciation
- 自我牺牲;
- self-sacrifice self-abnegation self-devotion self-immolation self-renunciation
- 自我牺牲;