- 1.Dance of sports game, music kind card of game, chess kind the market that wait has game rate remain to promote further, whether the game type with new development also is worth to discuss.
- 体育游戏、音乐舞蹈类游戏、棋牌类游戏等的市场占有率有待进一步提升,能否开发新的游戏类型也值得探讨。
- 2.Although too much randomness can sometimes take away from the fun of the game, adding some random elements will allow the game to feel less linear in terms of game-play.
- 虽然太多的随机因素有的时候能让游戏失去乐趣,但是加入一些必要的随机因素将让游戏不再是单调的,而是充满游戏乐趣的。
- 3.According to NBA policy, a selectee who plays in his team's last game -- as Bryant did, scoring 29 points in Wednesday's win in Minnesota -- has to play in the All-Star game or sit out his next game.
- 根据NBA的政策,被选上的球员,假如参加了其所在球队的最后一场比赛,正如科比在周三赢下森林狼的比赛中砍下29分,就必须出席全明星赛,否则就将不能出席球队的下一场比赛。
- 4.Game engine tutorial describes how to play game and how to customize the game.
- 一个游戏引擎的入门教程,介绍如何定制和编写游戏。
- 5.When we played on the court, no intensity, no patience, no (adherence to the) game plan, don't know our game, don't know their game, no trust (of) each other, no defense.
- 我们在场上,没有强度,没有耐心,没有(严格执行)比赛计划,不清楚自己在打什么,也不知道别人在打什么,互相之间没有信任,没有防守。
- ShipDemo-small submarine war game game of the
- 小游戏潜艇大战游戏的源程序;
- Game Articles and Indoor-Game Apparatus
- 游艺用品及室内游艺器材制造;
- 游戏模式 卡片游戏;
- TV game video game
- 电视游戏机;
- Adjourned game
- 封局;