- 1.My biological mother later found out that my mother had never graduated from college and that my father had never graduated from highschool.
- 后来我亲生的母亲发现我的养母从来就没有从大学毕业过并且我的养父也没有高中毕业。
- 2.From the first Thematic dialog, click on Graduated, choose the Graduated Symbol Default template and click Next.
- 从第一次专题对话框,单击毕业,毕业符号选择默认模板,然后单击下一步。
- 3.Right-click on the table and select Table from the pop-up menu or select Table > Table Properties from the menu bar.
- 右键单击表格,从弹出菜单选择 表格 或从菜单栏选择 表格 > 表格属性 。在 表格格式对话框中,选择 列 标签。
- 4.desk lamp on the left, used a portion of the table, the quality porcelain insulator table covers, rocker arm-rolling table, the quality cover rocker table.
- 台灯放在书桌左侧,常用的有玻璃罩台灯、麻质罩瓷瓶台灯、摇臂式万向台灯、麻质罩摇杆台灯等。
- 5.desk lamp on the left, used a portion of the table, the quality porcelain insulator table covers, rocker arm-rolling table, the quality cover rocker table.
- 台灯放在书桌左侧,常用的有玻璃罩台灯、麻质罩瓷瓶台灯、摇臂式万向台灯、麻质罩摇杆台灯等。
- table for table tennis table tennis table
- 乒乓球台;
- table for table tennis table tennis table
- 乒乓球台;
- tea-table or coffee-table or end table
- 茶几;
- tea-table or coffee-table or end table
- 茶几;
- end table smoke table tea table
- 茶几;