- 1.Royal Barracks are military training facilities backed by the ruling treasury, necessary to recruit elite units with exceptional outfitting costs.
- 禁卫军营是由国家财政直接支持的军事基地,以便训练各种极为昂贵的精锐部队。
- 2.The assessment contends: "Rightwing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalise returning veterans in order to exploit their skills and knowledge derived from military training and combat."
- 这份报告称:“右翼极端主义份子将会试图招募归国士兵并给他们洗脑,以便让这些士兵在军事训练以及战斗中学到的知识技能为其所用。
- 3.The new recruit enlist in the armed forces, first must be learned how to fold up a military quilt, make it square and upright, be rolled up tidily, angularity like a" bean curd piece".
- 新兵入伍,首先要学习“叠被子”,把被子叠得方方正正,整整齐齐,有棱有角,像“豆腐块”。
- 4.Military logistics as a vinculum between military material supply and demand, the efficiency of it affect military material support capability heavily.
- 军事物流作为连接军用物资供给与消费需求的纽带,其效益的好坏在很大程度上影响着军用物资保障能力的强弱。
- 5.For importation of undenatured ethyl alcohol used by military authority, military school and military hospital, approval from the Ministry of National Defense is required.
- 供军事机关、军事学校及军医院使用之自用未变性酒精,应检附国防部之同意文件。
- military unit at the level of sub-greater military region
- 副大军区级单位;
- recruit new adherents
- 招募新信徒;
- airman recruit
- 列兵;
- commandeer enlist enlist for enlistment recruit
- 征募;
- entrant recruit
- 新会员;