- 1.Forma justice is the energy source of the WTO agreements and only in forma justice WTO adjusts non-discriminately to all its members.
- 形式正义是WTO协定的生命力源泉,是WTO协定能够普遍适应众多成员的根本原因。
- 2.These candidates are neither pro-choice nor pro-life, just pro-mom.
- 这对候选人既不主张堕胎合法化,也不反对堕胎,而是支持母亲本人。
- 3.Remember that pro forma invoices are formal offers to sell.
- 请记住形式发票是销售的正式报价形式。
- 4.The pro forma and purchase order must be compared before goods are shipped to check for discrepancies.
- 形式发票和采购单必须在货物装船前进行比较复核,确认没有差错。
- 5.Increasingly, criticism of Western media has become pro forma following Western reporting of controversial events in China.
- 渐渐的,针对西方媒体的批评成为在西方报道中国有争议事件之后的一种惯例。
- Pro forma
- 试算报表, 预估; 假定的; 估计的; 备考、模拟:拉丁文用词,对投资界而言,指计算财务业绩,以强调当时或预计数据的方法。;
- Pro forma invoice
- 形式发票; 估价单,暂定的发票; 临时发票; 估价单,估价发票;
- pro z forma invoice
- 临时发票;
- Pro-forma Invoice
- 预开发票;
- pro forma bill invoice
- 形式发票; 估价单;